
Monday, March 8, 2010

Shannon's Weigh in 03/06/10

I started this journey for the LAST time January 1st 2010 at 375.9. I was going strong the first month. When February hit, it seems I lost my motivation and the fire that was fueling me burnt out. I started to backslide and watched myself slowly get back into my old ways. Normally I would have given up and thrown in the towell at this point, wondering if it is worth it. This time is different, I recognized what was going on and what I was doing and I made a conscious decision to turn it around before it's too late. I can't rely on the "fire" and I can't wait for motivation to just be thrown at me. I need to make this happen, I need to push through and do for myself what I know I deserve. This is one thing that I CAN control. I can control what goes into my body and I can control how much physical activity I do, or don't do. It is up to me! I CAN do this. This is a process, and not an easy one. This weight didn't come on overnight and it won't leave overnight.

So, here it is...

02/27/10 weight 370.0
03/06/10 weight 368.4
Loss for the week -1.6
Total loss since 01/01/10 7.5 lbs!


Saturday, February 27, 2010

My Weight Loss Progress So Far

Hi Yall,

I know I havent posted anything in awhile but with work and other stuff I just really havent had time. I've really been struggling the last 3 or 4 weeks I'd say with just my eating and workouts. I was doing really well for awhile before I started slipping and gaining 1 pound here and a pounds there but I caught myself and with my support system that consists of Shannon and everyone on my facebook, I have re lit that fire and did much better this week on my eating. Activity still needs improvement but its a work in progress. As far as my results go, I weighed in today and my previous weight was 404.0 and my current weight is 399.8, meaning I lost -4.2 this week. Which is a -1.04% weight loss for the week. I'm SOOOO PROUD of myself. I have left the 400s and am back in the 300s. Cant wait til I can say my weight is starting with a 2 and I'd be in the 200s!!!

Anyway, I promise I'll try and post more.

Until then,

Have a great and healthy evening


Thursday, February 25, 2010

This is a process, it is not something that can be done overnight.

Well, it has been awhile since I posted and honestly there is no legitimate excuse. I did really well in January at sticking to my eating plan and getting in activity. I lost a total of 11.4 lbs. I did not reach my 25 lb mark by Feb. 1st but I knew from the beginning that was a long shot. I just needed something to push me and challenge me. The last few weeks have been tough. I lost the motivation I had and the fire burned out. Slowly my eating started to go back to the way it was before and I stopped getting in activity. I have decided to push through and light my own fire. This journey isn't always going to be easy and I am not always going to want to continue but I have too. I am still down 8 lbs since Jan 1st so I haven't completely erased all my hard work.

This week I put myself back on track. I have made much better food and drink choices this week. However I am still lacking in the exercise department. I just have to make myself do it. This is no longer a decision that I can take lightly. This is my health, my future, and my life that is at stake. I know there will be struggles, I know I will fall but what matters is how I handle the struggles and that I pick myself up when I fall instead of just throwing in the towel and saying "Oh well, what can I do?"

My next goal is going to be one that IS attainable but will challenge me. My goal is to lose 10 more lbs by April 1st. My next weigh in is Saturday February 27th 2010. I will post my weight and my progress up until that point. My second goal is to post on this blog at least once a week.
I wish you all a Happy Friday and a wonderful weekend.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Weigh In Updates

Ok. I know I havent posted anything in a couple of weeks. Things have been crazy busy and stuffed full of stress. Since I have had 3 weigh ins since posting my initial weigh in, I figure I will post my weigh in results to date.

1/09/10 414.0 starting weight

1/11/10 410.6 -3.4 for the week -3.4 total

1/17/10 406.6 -4 for the week -7.4 total

1/24/10 402.8 -3.8 for the week -11.2 total

So those are my weigh in results since I started on Jan 9th. I will try to post here every week. Also this week I have started adding exercise. I lost 11 pounds in like 15 days just from changing my diet and changing habits. I stopped snacking, made better food choices, stopped drinking pops.

I have struggled alot with making better food choices but Shannon reminds me, "Whats more important? Your health or the food?" When I think about 5 minutes eating of eating food or a lifetim with my family, its a very easy decision! I'll keep you updated on my progress and look forward to many blogs to come. God Bless and happy healthy eating.


Monday, January 11, 2010

First official weigh in, January 11th, 2010

Good Evening :)

So, today was my first official weigh in of 2010. I am down 2.4 lbs. I am well on my weigh. This week was a good one. I concentrated more on the food aspect than anything else. Starting tomorrow I am going to add in exercise. Bobby and I both greatly decreased the number of times we ate out. Most of our meals were home cooked. I have had only a couple sodas this week which is an awesome thing for me. I am just taking it one day at a time. One thing that has changed is our "weigh in day meal". Before, we would use our weigh in day as a free for all pass. Like calories didn't count or matter. We would eat huge meals which in all reality made it more diificult and contributed to us "failing". We have changed our way of thinking. We did go out to dinner tonight for our "weigh in day meal". We went to Logans Roadhouse. I will admit, I did have a couple rolls. My meal consisted of grilled chicken with a small amount of bbq sauce, baked sweet potato NOT LOADED. it just had a little bit of cinnamon on top, and a side salad with fat free ranch. Oh yea, I had ice water to drink. It may not be the best of meals BUT it is a major improvement compared to my past "weigh in meals". It all starts with little changes. :) Well, I would type more but I am so tired. 6am comes way to early. Thanks for all of your support, encouragement, and most of all friendship. I am here if any of you need me. After all, isn't that what this group is all about?

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.Robert Collier

Love you all, Shannon

Initial Weigh In And Then Some....

Ok. Shannon and I had our first weigh ins recently. Hers was last Monday and mine was a couple of days ago on Jan 9th. We went out and bought a new scale and my STARTING weight was 414.0. Thats not a good number to write down for your weight but thats the truth. I quit the eating out and started cooking healthier meals at home and I wanted my weigh in day to be the same as Shannon's so I weighed in 2 days later (today) at 410.6 for a total so far of -3.4 pounds and bringing my total percentage of weight lost to -0.82%. I will be posting a new blog every Monday that includes my weight (starting and current), total pounds lost for the week, total pounds lost TOTAL, and a total of weight loss percentages (starting and for the week). Wish me luck this week and God Bless. Good Night Readers.

-Bobby Phillips
Oklahoma City.....GO THUNDER!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

My life as the "girl with the pretty face" by Shannon

I have been overweight for as long as I can remember. I was always the chubby girl. Always the fat friend. The girl who the guys were nice to and friends with but never wanted to date. I was never able to share clothes with my friends because they wouldn't fit. I missed out on so much as I got older because of my weight. I didn't go to any school dances with a date. I always went with friends. I didn't go to my prom and I didn't have a traditional wedding because I didn't want to be the fat bride in a white wedding dress. My best friend is getting married next year and I am scared to death. She is going to want me to be up there with her, all I can think about is not being able to fit in the dress, being an embarrassment because I am the biggest girl there or not even going and supporting her because I am too ashamed of how I look. The last few years I have felt that maybe I am destined to be this way. When I think about losing weight all I can think about is how far I have to go. Also, may sound superficial and unimportant but I fear that if I do lose this weight that I will look worse than I do now. I have so much to lose and there will no doubt be extra skin and flab and I am in no position to afford plastic surgery to correct it. I know that I need to look past the negative and focus on the positive. I need to take it one minute at a time and make short term goals that are attainable.

On January 1st, 2010 I weighed in at 373.2. The heaviest I have EVER been. That is going to change. I CAN'T live this way anymore. I need to change for my family and myself. My first goal is a hard one, but I feel like I can do it. I need the challenge. I need something short term to work towards. My first goal is to lose 25 lbs by February 1st 2010. It will be hard, I may struggle but I am confident I will succeed. This is a life or death decision that I have to make. Consequences of the wrong decision are fatal, however rewards from choosing the right decision will out weigh any struggles that I have faced to get to that point.

This is the beginning of what will be a lifelong journey. I have so much to change... the physical, the mental, and my priorities. Thank you for reading and following me in my journey to a happier, healthier ME!

"Dare to be remarkable."- Jane Gentry

~ Shannon